History-Maps.ru: Турецкая Империя

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Турецкая Империя

Размеры: 2643  x  1580  px
Объём: 1.25 Мб
Добавлено: 15:40:48, 15/02/2010
Датировка: 1720 год
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: The Turkish Empire in Europe, Asia and Africa, Dividid into all its Governments, together with the other Territories that are Tributary to it, as also the Domnions of the Emperor of Marocco . . .

Map Maker: Herman Moll

Place / Date: London / 1720 ca

Striking large format map of the Ottoman Empire by Herman Moll, one of England's leading map makers at the beginning of the 18th Century.

This highly detailed map is dedicated to Thomas Vernon (Commissioner of Trade and Plantations), and includes views of Constantinople, Smirna, and 4 views of Jerusalem.  The map was first published in 1714.


Condition Description: Minor discoloration along the wing folds and minor loss (as is frequently the case with Moll's large maps), expertly reinstated in facsimile. Narrow and somewhat uneven lower margin. Evidence of an old flattened misfold in lower left corner, running


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