History-Maps.ru: Турция в Азии, превью

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Турция в Азии

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Размеры: 2042  x  1500  px
Объём: 1.38 Мб
Добавлено: 10:08:32, 15/02/2010
Датировка: 1812 год
Регионы: Армения, Грузия, Турция
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Title: Turkey In Asia [shows Cyprus]

Map Maker: John Pinkerton

Place / Date: London / 1812



Detailed map of Turkey, Asia Minor, Persia, Syria, Iraq, Armenia, etc. Very large Cyprus shown. Colored by provinces. Excellent detail. One of the best large format English atlas maps of the period.

Pinkerton's maps reflect the fine copperplate engraving work being done in the Britain at the beginning of the 19th Century, with remarkable detail and a 3 dimensional feeling.

Highly detailed regional map, one of the best regional maps of the area to appear in an English Atlas during the period. Pinkerton's now rare elephant folio atlas is one of the best engraved works of the period. While lesser known than the more common atlases by Cary & Thomson, it is a superior work, especially in the detail of the maps.


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