History-Maps.ru: Британская Индия, превью

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Британская Индия

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Размеры: 1450  x  1741  px
Объём: 1.23 Мб
Добавлено: 15:33:57, 16/02/2010
Датировка: 1859 год
Регионы: Индия, Пакистан
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Title: Colton's Hindostan or British India

Map Maker: Joseph Hutchins Colton

Place / Date: New York / 1859


Very detailed map of part of India, Pakistan, etc.., showing cities, mountain ranges with inset of continuation of British India.

Shows towns, roads, rivers, lakes, mountains, railroads, roads, islands, etc. Decorative border. A terrific regional map, from JH Colton, one of the most prolific American mapmakers of the mid-19th Century. From the scarce 1859 edition, bearing the imprint of Johnson & Browning, one year before these two publishers commenced publication of Johnson's Illustrated Family Atlas of the World.


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