History-Maps.ru: Турция

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Размеры: 2167  x  1630  px
Объём: 981.80 Кб
Добавлено: 18:13:02, 15/02/2010
Датировка: 1795 год
Регионы: Турция
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Title: European Dominions of the Ottomans or Turkey in Europe . . . 1795

Map Maker: William Faden

Place / Date: London / 1795


Large detailed Faden map of the region bounded by the Greece and the Ionian Sea, the Ukraine, the Gulf of Venice, Asia Minor and the northern coast of Cyprus.

Extremely detailed. The map shows the Ottoman Empire, circa 1720 and includes and ornate decorative cartouche. This is the first state of the map.


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