History-Maps.ru: Рим, превью

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Размеры: 1917  x  1560  px
Объём: 1.30 Мб
Загрузил: Reader
Добавлено: 23:39:20, 15/02/2010
Датировка: 1719 год
Группа: raremaps.com
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Title: Nouveau Plan De La Ville De Rome Tire Pare Ordre Du Pape Par Mateo Gregoria De Romans Tres Utille Pour Les Voiageurs

Map Maker: Henri Chatelain

Place / Date: Amsterdam / 1719


Decorative map of Rome, with inset views of 10 major churches and structures, including St. Peters and the Vatican. A key identifies a number of buildings, which are shown on the map.

A finely engraved view of Rome from Chatelain's monumental 7 volume Atlas Historique, one of the most famous and prolific works of the early 18th Century.

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