History-Maps.ru: Catalan Atlas Abraham Cresques (died 1387) with his son Jehuda Cresquesобщий вид Средиземноморье, превью

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Catalan Atlas Abraham Cresques (died 1387) with his son Jehuda Cresquesобщий вид Средиземноморье

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Abraham Cresques (died 1387) was a Jewish cartographer from Palma de Mallorca, who, in collaboration with his son Jehuda Cresques, compiled the Catalan Atlas of 1375.

Abraham dedicated his life to the making of maps, and to the construction of clocks, compasses, and other kinds of maritime instruments, until 1375, when he and his son received an assignment from Prince John of Aragon (later to be John I of Aragon) to make a full series of nautical charts which represented the "East and the West, and everything that, from the Strait (of Gibraltar) leads to the West". For this job, Abraham and Jehuda would be paid 150 Aragonese Golden Florins, and 60 Mallorcan Pounds, respectively, as it is stated in 14th century documents from the Prince himself and his father Peter IV of Aragon. The purpose Prince John had in mind for the charts was to give these to his cousin Charles, later to be Charles VI, King of France, as a present. In that year 1375 Abraham and Jehuda drew the six charts of the Catalan Atlas at their house in the Jewish quarter of Palma de Mallorca (most likely).


Каталонский Атлас (The Catalan Atlas (eng), L'Atlas Catalan (fr), El Atlas Catalán (esp), L'Atles Català (cat)) созданный на, являвшейся в то время картографическим центром Европы, Майорке в 1375. Составители, известный картограф Авраам Крескес (Cresques Abraham, ? - 1381) из обиспанившихся евреев, и его не менее известный сын Иехуда (Jehuda Cresques, 1350?-1427?), по заказу принца Хуана Арагонского (Хуана I Охотника) и его отца Педро IV Арагонского, для подарка кузену (принца Хуана само собой) и будущему королю Франции Карлу VI Безумному (или Возлюбленному, что в принципе одно и тоже :). Оригинал хранится в Bibliothèque nationale de France, подкатом ссылки на сканы копии очень хорошего качества, из Йельского университета.


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