History-Maps.ru: Европа, превью

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Размеры: 2833  x  1600  px
Объём: 1.24 Мб
Добавлено: 15:22:51, 15/02/2010
Датировка: 1715 год
Раздел: Карты 18 века
Регионы: Европа
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Title: Totius Europae Littora Novissime adita. Pascaert vertoonende alle de See-custen van Europa

Map Maker: Louis Renard

Place / Date: Amsterdam / 1715 ca


A beautiful Dutch Portolan style sea chart that shows an area from Morocco to the Scandinavian island of Spitsbergen and Iceland, based upon an earlier map of the same title by De Wit.

The map extends west to east from Iceland to Dalmatia and north to south from Spitzbergen to Morocco, continuation Chart of the Mediterranean inset to Africa, several decorative crests, numerous rhumb lines, vignette depictions of Elephants in North Africa and rutting Goats in Norway.  The inset map on the left shows the continuation of the Mediterranean. Richly embellished with three scale and one title cartouche, two pairs of animals, goats in Scandinavia and elephants in Africa. Winged putti holding navigational instruments surround the title cartouche. This fine chart appeared in Renard's Atlas de la Navigation et du Commerce.  On of the most decorative and fascinating  sea charts of the period.



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